I would happily recommend Laszlo as a coach to anyone.

Laszlo worked as an external consultant and coach for my employer as we went through a growth period and needed to reorganise how we work both as individuals and as a team. He introduced us to Agile management and mentored us for about two years on a regular basis, starting from a new website project and through moving into a workstream based work model. He coached us both as a team and individually.

Working with Laszlo always puts me into my driven and focused mode. He is a great coach who knows how to lead, support, mentor and hold people accountable. He is clear and gives great constructive feedback, and smiles while doing so!

From a personal point of view, I’m grateful to call Laszlo my mentor. He’s made me feel seen and heard and this certainly boosted my confidence and competence – and hence my motivation and productivity.

Maria Dmitrienko, Academic Work, Recruiter & Operations Coach

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